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Tuesday, July 14, 2009 ♥


eventhough i dont talk to you much anymore, i hope you had a BLASTING BLAST (: AND i expect you to still be short(and crazy), now that you're a year older! HAHAHA.

lovess! :D

2:08 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009 ♥

my last post was on the 30th of March. HAHAHA! anyway, im back to blogging!

so, LOADS of things happened! let me just refresh my memory. hmm, okay so, i know there were a bunch of important things that happened in April, but i cant remember, so, let's move on to May!


exams started on 13th May, and it ended today! but Maths 1 was such a happiness-sponge. pffft. okay, so, Mid Year was really stressing. Thank God it's over, but i really dont want to get my papers back! especially not Science. it was terrible! TERRIBLE!

im gonna skip to my birthday. the day before, Rirah accidentally sent me a text saying, "im thinking of buying tiks a dress and a cake." from then on, i tortured her, tried to make her tell me. it was really entertaining, the stop-it-look on her face was ace! HAHAHAHA. but i stopped, cause i didnt really want to know, i wanted it to be a surprise too! hahaha.

so, the next day, as usual, they were studying in the canteen. and Rirah came in with Ren Wee. at first, i didnt know. but then, i turned back(dont know why i did actually) and saw Ren Wee looking at me while holding this super big bag(M&S Shopping Bag - Rirah's) and i could see it was cake (; HAHAHA. Rirah terus took the bag and ran away. HAHAHA. was so funny, Ren Wee did that on purpose though to spoil the surprise. it wasnt really a surprise anymore but it was still nice. we went to Jos's place after exam had finished and ate the cake!

BAZ gave me a "When Cookie Met Milk" shirt! it looks gooooooooooooooooood (y). THANKS BAJILAH!

hahaha. okay, that's that for my birthday. and now, i have nothing else to say. darn, wanted to make this post a super long one. let's seeee.

OH! AMERICAN IDOL! KRIS ALLEN WON! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. he's so hot! *faints. to all Adam Lambert fans, dont be so very upset. he'll still be famous and stuffs anyway ((((:

i want Babu back home nowwwwww!! ))): i miss her fooood. gaaaaaaaaaaahh. and i want a maid! stupid house chores, grrrrrrrrrrr.

okay, im pretty much useless in trying to remember stuffs, so i'll stop hereee. hehehe.


9:26 PM
Monday, March 30, 2009 ♥

holiday had ended and school had started. pffftt. i want more holiday, yes, even if there's nothing to do at home. HAHAHA.

so, i started playing Trauma Center again yesterday. god, i forgot how stressing that game is -.- but it was still fun, saving people (: but killing someone over and over and over and over(insert more "and over" here) was really really depressing -.- i mean seriously, you have to control the vitals(which drops continuously!), the miss limit, the TIME limit, the thing that causes the whole thing which either runs away and go to some other organ, or multiplies more, or reforms, etc and you can only use the Healing Touch once. my hand became so numb after that but as i said earlier, it was fun. HAHAHAHA.

wheee, go to this site if you're bored. it's awesome! :D.

okay, that's all. bye!

2:23 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ♥

1st assessment test is over, and i am perfectly satisfied with my results :DD! and, suprisingly enough, i LOVE Maths now(i got 39/40! amazing, right?!) HAHA. im now sure it was because of my seat at the back (and also with Naz-tskkk!) last year that made me hate Maths cause i didnt understand it, but it was all just because i didnt pay attention. and now that im sitting in the second row, HEHE! if only James and Fayyadh would reduce the noise pollution -.-!

anywaay, PICTURES;



the mask my brother used! hehehe!

i've been laughing a lot lately. and being very hyper. i bring JOY! NYAHAHA!

there's a lesson that i want you to learn that's if you're gonna play with fire, then you're gonna get burned.

AND IM FIYAHH *sizzle sizzle. GAHAHAHAHAHA...nights!

10:51 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009 ♥

here, im updating! happy, guys? hahahaha.

school was very fun last saturday (: i stayed back with Naz, Rirah and Aaron. we actually planned to help Rirah on her science project, but well, we didnt do that. instead, we just sat in the canteen and play cards ; heartattack. IT WAS HELL OF A LAUGH. cause i cheated ;) i took the "A" cards, and started first. and you get the idea. hahaha, Aaron got annoyed(but he still thought it was funny) so he took all my "A" cards. so i used "2" cards! :D! hehehehe. get it, get it?

i saw AWUF! he didnt recognise me at first. i wasnt wearing tudong, mind you.

i have some pictures, but i'll post them up next time. im gonna go photoshop some stuffs now(au Kamimi, kita punya gambar jua! HEHE.)

9:57 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009 ♥

got my results from PSSSRU! i got *drumrolls please;


went to school around 4, saw them all waiting outside. and so, i was with my mom. and we didnt know where to go, so we followed this family but it turned out that they were picking up the son early cause their grandpa was very sick -.- HAHA!

so then, we managed to find our way. HEHE. and i felt like i made history with all the teachers thanking me, especially Cikgu Nuryani. I LOVE HER :D[she's awesome (:] i'd post up the picture of my slip, but it's still in Kajiyah's phone. ah well. heheh.

and SORRY you guys, i couldnt stay until 5 with all of youu.

anyway, have been busy and tired. plus sick. stupid fever + painful sorethroat. tuition was fun yesterdaay and i like Ms. Jessica. ((:

OH OH WAFAA! i have commerce tuition with your friend, NATASHA. hehe!

after dinner, i called Rirah. and while she was talking, i randomly said ;
"i've just realized that sponge cakes look like sponges"
"*stops. what?"
"i said i've just realized that sponge cakes look like sponges.."
HAHAHAHHAHA! isnt that funny?!

hahaha, yeah, then i called Naz after that, and she couldnt really hear me cause i was whispering(my dad was asleep), and it was difficult and stressing so i hit my head with the phone receiver(HAHA!), then i said to Naz,
"i was hitting my head with the phone"
"you were what?"
"i was hitting my head with the phonee"
"you were eating? huh? dinner?"

yeah. (:

11:28 AM
Thursday, January 29, 2009 ♥

the weather nowadays is terrible.

didnt go to school this morning due to the flood. not my house/compound tho. just the road outside my simpang. the drain stopped the muddy water from coming into our simpang[thank God!] but yeah, it was really annoying, cause i wanted to go to school todaay[naz's borrowing me Season 2 of Supernatural(more Jensen Ackles! yes yes, im obsessed-shut up!)]. phft. ah well.

im still waiting for PSSSRU results. it's really taking such a long time -____-. i dont even feel like knowing my results anymore. hehh.

i love to eat :D. im craving for Italian food :[.

3:16 PM
none of you

the name's Tikah
but i'd prefer you greet me with, "Hey, you awesome person!"
I love music.
And i also love food :D.


Baz. Basalt. School Bus. Bob. :D
Naz. Nasi lemak. Nasi whatsoever xD.
Karen. Karan. Curry. xP.
Naz, Aaron,Weei Thien, Choon Fatt.

dont keep it inside

go back in time

April 2008| May 2008| June 2008| July 2008| August 2008| September 2008| October 2008| November 2008| December 2008| January 2009| February 2009| March 2009| May 2009| July 2009|

a handshake to

amicablyEstranged xoxo